
6.0分 1962/日本/剧情,动作,历史
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BT高清网为您提供1962年由松本幸四郎,加山雄三,三桥达也,宝田明,夏木阳介,高岛忠夫,河津清三郎,志村乔,加东大介,小林桂树,池部良,原节子,司叶子,团令子,星由里子,白川由美,水野久美,滨美枝,藤山阳子,池内淳子,淡路惠子,草笛光子,新珠三千代,森繁久弥,三木纪平,柳家金语楼,益田喜顿,由利徹,南利明,山茶花究,有岛一郎,小泉博,藤木悠,久保明,平田昭彦,佐原健二,太刀川宽,江原达怡,中丸忠雄,堺左千夫,土屋嘉男,藤原釜足,田崎润,藤田进,上原谦,船户顺,儿玉清,伊藤久哉,野村浩三,三岛耕,大塚国男,山本廉,天本英世,桐野洋雄,大川平八郎,谷晃,田岛义文,泽村伊纪雄,小杉义男,北川町子,柳川慶子,出云八重子,马野都留子,东乡晴子,一之宫敦子,中北千枝子,香川良介,清川荘司,横山运平,清水元,泽村贞子,音羽久米子,三田照子,大友伸,岩本弘司,草川直弥,夏木顺平,中村吉右卫门主演,稻垣浩导演的《忠臣藏》/原名《忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻》/又名《Chushingura / 47 Samurai / The Loyal 47 Ronin》剧情,动作,历史电影在线观看完整版,《忠臣藏》百度云网盘资源以及《忠臣藏》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《忠臣藏》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!



主演:松本幸四郎 加山雄三 三桥达也 宝田明 夏木阳介 高岛忠夫 河津清三郎 志村乔 加东大介 小林桂树 池部良 原节子 司叶子 团令子 星由里子 白川由美 水野久美 滨美枝 藤山阳子 池内淳子 淡路惠子 草笛光子 新珠三千代 森繁久弥 三木纪平 柳家金语楼 益田喜顿 由利徹 南利明 山茶花究 有岛一郎 小泉博 藤木悠 久保明 平田昭彦 佐原健二 太刀川宽 江原达怡 中丸忠雄 堺左千夫 土屋嘉男 藤原釜足 田崎润 藤田进 上原谦 船户顺 儿玉清 伊藤久哉 野村浩三 三岛耕 大塚国男 山本廉 天本英世 桐野洋雄 大川平八郎 谷晃 田岛义文 泽村伊纪雄 小杉义男 北川町子 柳川慶子 出云八重子 马野都留子 东乡晴子 一之宫敦子 中北千枝子 香川良介 清川荘司 横山运平 清水元 泽村贞子 音羽久米子 三田照子 大友伸 岩本弘司 草川直弥 夏木顺平 中村吉右卫门 

Plot Summary:A young lord attempts to combat the corruption endemic to the Shogunate bureaucracy, only to be placed in an impossible conflict of duties. He refuses to pay the "customary" bribe expected by a Chancellor sent from the Shogunate to teach him the etiquette for receiving envoys from the Emperor. In revenge, the Chancellor goads the lord into drawing his sword when the envoys are present, a crime punishable by death. The young lord is forced to commit ritual suicide for this crime. His vassals are ordered to turn over their lords estate for confiscation, forbidden to take revenge for their lords death, then disbanded as a clan. To obey the Shogun, the lords former samurai must follow those orders, but to be loyal to oaths they swore to their lord and have justice, they must avenge him. This conflict of obligations is the primary dilemma in Japanese society, which is why this story is considered their national epic. The story is richly woven and the film worth seeing for the gorgeous art works, buildings, and costumes of 18th century Japan alone. Written by Mike O'Brien





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