
6.0分 2011/中国台湾/爱情
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BT高清网为您提供2011年由林依晨,陈柏霖,王阳明,陈匡怡,陆明君,黄志玮,孟耿如,林美秀,罗北安,应蔚民,殷琦,金士杰,李维维,余函弥 Bonnie,许豪恩,曾之乔,马囡,谢宇威,余昱纬,余怡萱,刘引商,张萍萍,周丹薇,马世莉,安唯绫,丫子,蔡昌宪,曾威豪,刘以豪,马念先,林宗仁,陈文彬,刘晓忆,方炯镔,刘子绚,万芳,任淇,富富,徐宛铃,林志儒,瞿友宁,林政逸,陈奕达,季芮彤,篠崎翎榕,朱丽君,游家玮,荣忠豪,杜俊伟,丸子,单承矩,张家云,王恩德,江明娟,柯逸华,黄熊金盆,陈罗蜜欧,沈炜竣,宜萱老师,邱彦翔,励政达,詹乃蓁主演,瞿友宁导演的《我可能不会爱你》/原名《我可能不會愛你》/又名《In Time With You / イタズラな恋愛白書》爱情影视在线观看完整版,《我可能不会爱你》百度云网盘资源以及《我可能不会爱你》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《我可能不会爱你》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

  程又青(林依晨 饰),百货公司鞋区区长,交过几个男朋友、伤心、伤身又伤情。李大仁(陈柏霖 饰),是航空公司的地勤督导,年轻有为,脾性佳,不耍酷,孝顺老妈,疼爱老妹。两人从高中起就互相看不顺眼的,却阴错阳差的一直在一起,成为一对不谈恋爱的好朋友。大仁曾对又青说过,我可能不会爱你,换来了她一句谢谢,感激不尽。在又青三十岁当天天,两人打赌三十五岁前谁先结婚,另一个就要准备十万元的红包。当大仁交了个小女友,又青潜意识地醋意大发,焦虑、烦恼。此时迷途知返的前男友丁立威(王阳明 饰)突然出现重获又青芳心并一举求婚成功。双方的另一半都很介意他们这样的“好朋友”关系,但他们坚持真的只是“永远的好朋友”。世界上真的存在单纯的男女友情吗,那为什么会有异样的感觉?


主演:林依晨 陈柏霖 王阳明 陈匡怡 陆明君 黄志玮 孟耿如 林美秀 罗北安 应蔚民 殷琦 金士杰 李维维 余函弥 Bonnie 许豪恩 曾之乔 马囡 谢宇威 余昱纬 余怡萱 刘引商 张萍萍 周丹薇 马世莉 安唯绫 丫子 蔡昌宪 曾威豪 刘以豪 马念先 林宗仁 陈文彬 刘晓忆 方炯镔 刘子绚 万芳 任淇 富富 徐宛铃 林志儒 瞿友宁 林政逸 陈奕达 季芮彤 篠崎翎榕 朱丽君 游家玮 荣忠豪 杜俊伟 丸子 单承矩 张家云 王恩德 江明娟 柯逸华 黄熊金盆 陈罗蜜欧 沈炜竣 宜萱老师 邱彦翔 励政达 詹乃蓁 

Plot Summary:Cheng You-Ching (Ariel Lin) is the manager of a Taiwanese shoe manufacturer. On her 30th birthday, Cheng You-Ching receives an email on "the symptoms of premature aging" from Lee Ta-Jen (Bo-lin Chen), her best friend who she has known since high school. Unable to accept that he is like a bottle of fine wine that will get better with age and she is like a grape that will dry into a raisin as years go by, she agrees to a bet with Ta-Jen to see who will get married first before they turn 35. So they start to look for their potential lovers. However, Ta-Jen often says the girls he date are not a match for him and at the same time, he is not satisfied with the boys You-Ching dates. After Ta-Jen's relationship with his colleague, Maggie, he admits to Maggie that he has been in love with You-Ching the whole time. But there is a coincidence that when You-Ching is single, Ta-Jen has a girlfriend; while Ta-Jen break up with his girlfriend, You-Ching has reconciled with her ex-boyfriend. So Ta-Jen is always missing the opportunity to tell You-Ching his true feelings. As Cheng You-Ching looks around for a potential husband, she discovers that she was surrounded by unacceptable candidates. The only man who could love her despite her ill temper and stubbornness is her best friend. The only problem with this pairing is their extensive friendship.


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