
6.0分 2005/中国大陆/剧情
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BT高清网为您提供2005年由张嘉益,刘钧,谢钢,徐敏,赵小锐,常景如,袁茵,宋春丽,巍子,李建义,修宗迪,宗平,辛柏青,冯千,于俭,马路,侯传杲,张会忠,练练,金鑫,管寿义,李建新,马丽,徐涛,韩童生,孙凤英,李梦男,扈耀之,于震,胡涂,臧金生,赵金鼎,闫妮,舒耀瑄,张双利,沙景昌,崔智刚,于菲,齐奎,赵贵祥,石小满,崔可法,吴珊珊,黄志忠,王超,车晓彤,李振平,李育生,石兆琪,牛振华,李强,贺镪,伍宇娟,曾红生,周宗印,宋楚炎,仇永力,陈强,梁天,方子春,刘铁钢,王倩,王慧源,黄梅莹,毕彦君,涂凌,张兆北,王世元,徐丽,赵劲,何群,高战,许军本主演,何群导演的《使命》/又名《反黑使命 / 国家审计SOS使命》剧情影视在线观看完整版,《使命》百度云网盘资源以及《使命》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《使命》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

鉴于清水市越来越乱的社会治安,林荫(张嘉译 饰)临危受命,担任了清水市新一届公安局长。赴任途中,他亲手抓获了三个行凶的壮汉,但其中一人却让派出所长赵铁军(李梦男 饰)放跑,加之副局长牛明(赵小锐 饰)不冷不热的态度,让林荫很不是滋味。某夜,市委万书记(徐敏 饰)办公室被盗,林荫立下限期破案的军令状。从此,林荫依靠秦志剑(刘均 饰)、高翔(于俭 饰)等刚正不阿的干警,在市委陈副书记、洪市长支持下,与郑光军(谢钢 饰)和公安内部的腐败势力展开了殊死斗争。神通广大的郑光军游说上层领导,暗示要在清水开赌场,林荫将计就计,制定了行动方案“雷雨行动”,他决定彻查黑势力之后的保护伞……


主演:张嘉益 刘钧 谢钢 徐敏 赵小锐 常景如 袁茵 宋春丽 巍子 李建义 修宗迪 宗平 辛柏青 冯千 于俭 马路 侯传杲 张会忠 练练 金鑫 管寿义 李建新 马丽 徐涛 韩童生 孙凤英 李梦男 扈耀之 于震 胡涂 臧金生 赵金鼎 闫妮 舒耀瑄 张双利 沙景昌 崔智刚 于菲 齐奎 赵贵祥 石小满 崔可法 吴珊珊 黄志忠 王超 车晓彤 李振平 李育生 石兆琪 牛振华 李强 贺镪 伍宇娟 曾红生 周宗印 宋楚炎 仇永力 陈强 梁天 方子春 刘铁钢 王倩 王慧源 黄梅莹 毕彦君 涂凌 张兆北 王世元 徐丽 赵劲 何群 高战 许军本 

Plot Summary:The recent disorders and rampant criminal activities break the serenity of Qingshui city, posing a major threat to Qingshui people's safety. Yet Qin Zhijian and a number of upright policemen are at the end of their resources to put down the criminal activities. At this crucial point, Lin Yin is appointed as chief of Public Security Bureau. Yet what he doesn't know is that the whole Qingshui town has fallen under the control of a syndicate organization led by Zheng Guangjun, who has established a powerful network from top to bottom, including secretary of municipal party committee, mayor, secretary of Politics and Law Committee, the deputy chief of Public Security, head of criminal affairs detachment, and ordinary policemen. A syndicate organization, which consists of underground government, organization department, court and police station, has begun to emerge. Meanwhile, a large number of narcotic drugs are shipped out of Qingshui Town. Sky falls; murders are rampant; social orders are falling apart. Lin Ying's only choice is to do everything to crack down the criminal network. However, Lin Yin himself is also faced with the coercion of the underground organization. In this battle, who will prevail? And the price of losing is life and honor. Even a slight move in one part will encounter the resistance of all the evil forces in Qingshui.


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