Lucky - or Not?

0.0分 2005/加拿大/剧情,喜剧,短片,犯罪
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BT高清网为您提供2005年由未知主演,Peter Hebert导演的《Lucky - or Not?》/原名《》剧情,喜剧,短片,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《Lucky - or Not?》百度云网盘资源以及《Lucky - or Not?》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Lucky - or Not?》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Peter Hebert 


Plot Summary:Louis Bach is a man with a passion for horse racing, and a magic lucky streak that has won him every bet he has placed. This luck attracts the attention of the local mob, who recruit Louis to bet for them. Meanwhile, the police have been trying for years to get inside the Big Boss' organization, and they decide Louis is their man. Louis is picked up, interrogated, and promised immunity if he helps bring in the big boss. Feeling trapped, Louis reluctantly agrees, and is outfitted with a wire. Louis wants his life back, and figures that if he can start losing, the mob will no longer need him and he will be free. The only problem is that he has never lost, and is not sure if he can. After seeing a show on television about luck and superstitions, Louis finds a charm in the form of a face-down penny on his way into the track one day. Though he doesn't believe in superstition, he figures it can't hurt. With his new \"bad luck\" charm in his pocket, Louis goes back into his routine, hoping to finally lose. When he does lose, he finds out that his plan wasn't as sound as he thought. The mob isn't willing to just let him off the hook - he still owes them money and must pay it back - or else. Will Louis be able to get his luck back in time to save his life?



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