
0.0分 1914/美国/剧情,短片
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BT高清网为您提供1914年由未知主演,Frederick Sullivan导演的《Gold》/原名《》剧情,短片电影在线观看完整版,《Gold》百度云网盘资源以及《Gold》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Gold》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Frederick Sullivan 


Plot Summary:An old mountaineer, who has secretly accumulated $5,000, hearing of the numerous bank failures, determines to draw out the money. With a miser's caution, when asked by a rough character in the village, when he was going to draw out his money, he replies that he intends to do it on the following afternoon. Then he goes to the bank, receiving the money all in gold and hides it away in his cabin. His granddaughter and small grandson are away at the time carrying water for a surveying party. The following day, the mountaineer returns to the village to lay in supplies. He is seen to visit the bank and comes out with a big sack over his shoulder, which the bad man believes contains gold. The bad man follows him and when the opportunity comes pushes him over a precipice, where he is instantly killed. To his surprise, however, he finds no gold. Being somewhat in liquor, he determines that the grandchildren know the secret of the hiding place and when he finds that they can tell him nothing, he ties the little girl in a chair, lashing her grandfather's gun with its triggers pulled back by a string, which passes over the flame of a burning candle. He then tells her only confession will save her and goes outside. The little grandson seeing his sister's danger runs to the surveying party for help. They arrive just in time to rescue the girl. The gun explodes and the shot shatters the woodwork of the window. The gold hidden there by the mountaineer comes tumbling out, and some of the shot passing on kills the murderer, who is standing outside.





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