
0.0分 2019/美国/剧情,历史,战争
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BT高清网为您提供2019年由亨利·托马斯,格雷厄姆·格林,比尔·萨奇,Lorraine Farris主演,Whitney Hamilton导演的《自由联盟》/原名《Union》剧情,历史,战争电影在线观看完整版,《自由联盟》百度云网盘资源以及《自由联盟》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《自由联盟》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

A woman disguises herself as her dead brother, Henry, in order to survive in the Confederate ranks during the Civil War. He marries a widow to rescue her from an arranged marriage. They keep each others secrets and find true love.

导演:Whitney Hamilton 

主演:亨利·托马斯 格雷厄姆·格林 比尔·萨奇 Lorraine Farris 

Plot Summary:During a cavalry skirmish at the battle of Cold Harbor, 'Henry' is shot. His near death experience catalyzes his determination to live and to love fully promising to find Virginia Klaising, the widow that saved his life during Antietam. The Indians hiding high up in the Blue Ridge tell Henry that Virginia is destined to marry an old man she does not love so she can hang onto her farm. When the Indians realize that Henry is a 'two-spirit' they hide him from the Union forces and prepare him to be reunited with his soul mate, Virginia. Eloping on a summer night with fireflies as luminaries, they begin their new life. The secret becomes harder to keep as Henry suffers from PTSD and must confess his battle sins. He recounts a mercy killing of a childhood friend, her child still missing. Going in search of the child, he/she ultimately brings the boy, home.





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