
6.0分 2001/美国 /剧情,爱情,运动
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BT高清网为您提供2001年由泰勒·费斯,罗勃·梅耶斯,亨利·科泽尼,摩根·凯利,塔蒂娜·琼斯,Eve Crawford,Andrew MacVicar,Molly Oberstar,Jamie Bradley,Maggie MacKinnon,Gillian Ferrier,Amy Kerr,Shawn Duggan,斯泰西·史密斯,Nancy Regan,马修·鲁姆利,关颖珊,Sandra Bezic,Gary Levert,Kevin Kumar-Misir主演,唐纳德·怀尔导演的《冰上圆舞曲》/原名《Ice Castles》/又名《冰城》剧情,爱情,运动电影在线观看完整版,《冰上圆舞曲》百度云网盘资源以及《冰上圆舞曲》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《冰上圆舞曲》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

An overnight success in the hyper-competitive world of figure skating, Alexis Winston ditched her hometown boyfriend in a bid for superstardom. Alexis is at the top of her game when she's suddenly blinded in a tragic ice skating mishap. Her spirit broken, the fallen figure skater seeks the love that will help her lace up her skates


主演:泰勒·费斯 罗勃·梅耶斯 亨利·科泽尼 摩根·凯利 塔蒂娜·琼斯 Eve Crawford Andrew MacVicar Molly Oberstar Jamie Bradley Maggie MacKinnon Gillian Ferrier Amy Kerr Shawn Duggan 斯泰西·史密斯 Nancy Regan 马修·鲁姆利 关颖珊 Sandra Bezic Gary Levert Kevin Kumar-Misir 

Plot Summary:Alexis Winston is a young girl who dreams of becoming a champion figure skater. The road to becoming a champion is tough and forced to leave her family behind and eventually causes the break up between her and her boyfriend. While practicing, Alexis suffers a terrible accident that takes her sight and threatens to destroy her dreams. In the midst of feeling sorry for herself she finds herself falling in love all over again with her boyfriend in Nick who (with help from her family) helps her to realize that she can still fulfill her dreams.


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