
6.0分 1978/中国香港/动作,冒险,武侠,古装
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BT高清网为您提供1978年由狄龙,傅声,谷峰,施思,高雄主演,孙仲导演的《冷血十三鹰》/原名《冷血十三鷹》/又名《The Avenging Eagle》动作,冒险,武侠,古装电影在线观看完整版,《冷血十三鹰》百度云网盘资源以及《冷血十三鹰》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《冷血十三鹰》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

越西鸿(谷峰 饰)是邪恶的铁船帮帮主,他手下有着名震江湖的十三鹰,作为他的爪牙,助其排除异己。司马鑫(杨治卿 饰)在江湖中德高望重,为人正派的他自然成为了越西鸿的眼中钉,最终,司马鑫和其家人全部都命丧在十三鹰的刀下。
  戚明星(狄龙 饰)是十三鹰中的一员,尚存一丝善念的他对越西鸿的滥杀无辜早已经忍无可忍,遂离开了帮派。越西鸿将其视为叛徒,命手下全力追杀。逃亡途中,戚明星救起了一名手上的青年,他的真实身份正是司马鑫的女婿卓一帆(傅声 饰),两位侠肝义胆的志士一拍即合,不仅将前来追杀的刺客悉数歼灭,更杀回了越西鸿的老巢,誓要为江湖除害。


主演:狄龙 傅声 谷峰 施思 高雄 

Plot Summary:Chi Ming-sing is a former disciple of a gang run by overlord Yoh Xi-hung. Yoh's disciples hunt Chi relentlessly as he travels on a soul-searching journey. He comes to the aid of a seemingly bumbling man who hardly takes even life-threatening scenes seriously. The man Chi saved starts following him on the road, explaining that he's looking for someone who committed a grievous, unforgivable wrong. As the two travel on the road, it starts to become clear that Chi's companion is more than he seems: he's actually a very skilled martial artist, and his boots contain short blades that he can attach to his sleeves. Chi finally tells his companion his story: he's seeking out a renowned swordsman named Cheuk Yi-fan... not to kill him, but to die at his hand. Chi is haunted of the last job he did with the gang, slaughtering many of Cheuk's family and friends... and Chi himself slew Cheuk's pregnant wife. Chi's companion agrees to help Chi with his mission. But when the two arrive at Yoh's stronghold intent on killing him, Yoh recognizes Chi's companion as none other than Cheuk Yi-fan himself. Will Chi and Cheuk be able to remain together against Yoh's formidable fighting style, or will Yoh succeed at dividing and conquering his foes?





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