

0.0 很差

分类:剧情 美国 1913








Plot Summary:Dregs is a half-crook and half-mendicant. One night, desperately ravenous, he takes his tools and bulls-eye and leaves for a round of the city. At the bread line with the other dregs of the city, he gets a bit of bread and some hot coffee, but but hungry as he is he gives it to an old man who didn't get there in time. He goes to a bench in the park, famished and exhausted, and dozes. Meanwhile, Marjorie Nugent, a veritable angel of the slums, gets her husband to accompany her and she takes a basket of food to give to any poor unfortunates she may find in the parks. They go the rounds, and a curious policeman has to look over their basket, changing his attitude greatly when he discovers their mission of mercy. Dregs has dropped off into an exhausted sleep and imagines himself in a restaurant being served with all the best the house affords, and smoking a fine cigar. He comes to himself and finds Marjorie with the open basket of food on one side of him and her husband smoking a cigar on the other side. He is given what is left in the basket and they go home. Dregs finishes his repast to the last crumb, then feels for his bulls-eye and tools and shambles off as he sees a cop coming. Marjorie goes to bed and her husband tries to read, but falls asleep in his chair in the adjoining room. Dregs happens to pick out their house for the night's picking, and is hard at work when Marjorie gets up and walks through the adjoining room (in her sleep), without waking her husband. Dregs hears her entering the hall and ducks, leaving his bulls-eye. Marjorie (in her sleep), gets her hand on it, and is wandering about when Dregs slips back and discovers who she is. Meanwhile, Nugent awakes, and with his gun creeps downstairs. Dregs slips back of the window curtain and sees the husband in the doorway level his gun at the moving light, he not being able to see who is back of it. As he fires Dregs jumps between and takes the bullet. The light is switched on and Dregs lives long enough to beg forgiveness and exact a promise that Marjorie will never forget the Dregs.







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