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分类:记录 法国 1908


导演:Pathé Frères


BT高清网为您提供1908年由未知主演,Pathé Frères导演的《在宁静的早晨:韩国》/原名《》/又名《고요한 아침의 나라: 한국》纪录片,短片电影在线观看完整版,《在宁静的早晨:韩国》百度云网盘资源以及《在宁静的早晨:韩国》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《在宁静的早晨:韩国》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Pathé Frères 


Plot Summary:In this interesting and educational picture we are suddenly transferred from our own homes to a village in the land of Korea, where the first view shows the natives in the village streets going about in their peculiar white costumes and passing in and out of their little houses. It seems to us rather strange to see the noble buffalo performing the humble task of carrying wood, which is loaded on its back. The work of grinding corn by pressing it between two stones is carried on before our eyes. We also get a view of the tramp cobbler busy at his work repairing the natives' shoes by the wayside. A very good picture is shown of the old Imperial Palace, and we see at close range the extravagant and beautiful style of architecture of the Far East. We also see a lotus field and acres of the beautiful flowers in full bloom. Next is a well, where the people come and help themselves to the refreshing waters which the carriers bear in the cans strapped to their backs. Following this is a street in Seoul, with the market place where the natives are doing their purchasing. A trolley car seems out of place in this land, and still we see one and note with amusement the peculiar looking passengers aboard. Lastly, we get a view of Korean children enjoying themselves, as well as a happy old couple who smilingly give the operator an opportunity to make a study of their happy countenances.







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