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分类:记录 以色列 2007


导演:Yaniv Berman


BT高清网为您提供2007年由未知主演,Yaniv Berman导演的《阿尔法日记》/原名《》/又名《The Alpha Diaries》纪录片电影在线观看完整版,《阿尔法日记》百度云网盘资源以及《阿尔法日记》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《阿尔法日记》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

本片前所未有地讲述了以色列的军旅生活。经历了5年的拍摄,影片讲述了本片导演,复员老兵Yaniv Berman的生活。镜头穿国边界,忠实地记录了在巴勒斯坦的每一刻,包括紧张的夜间行动和士兵的自我反省。本片的独特之处还在于忠实呈现了这些以色列士兵每年都有30天都要暂离他们的生活和军装,在巴勒斯坦的心脏地带执行这世上最艰难的任务的故事。

导演:Yaniv Berman 


Plot Summary:In Israel you have to go to the army when you become 18. It's three years of full, hard service, when you are asked to be a soldier beyond the border lines of Israel, in the midst of the Palestinian territories. After that, when you're 21, you return to your normal life, leaving it all behind, and you erase your memory of those three years. And then you begin your life. But not so fast... In a country under constant threat, your duty doesn't end there; it continues with the mandatory Reserves Service. In March 2002 a war started, and I was drafted to the reserve forces. I was greeted into Alpha Company, where I found myself a soldier once again. We left our lives behind, riding on the dusty roads into the inferno. I took my camera with me, and it never left my side for 5 years. In one hand was the M-16, the LAU on my back, and with the other hand, holding on as if my life depended on it, was my Sony DVCam, shooting footage of everything I could. This movie is the story of the people in Alpha Company, whom every year dress and become soldiers. Under the guise of our olive green uniform and lethal weapons, we're asked to do some of the toughest, most unsettling tasks, in the heart of an urban Palestinian town. This is our contribution to our country, our democracy, it's a tax we pay for Israel, to be like any other western culture where people can sit at home and watch TV, like in Europe, or like in far away America. This is the story of the burden, the guilt and the sorrow we have to carry with us. It's the story of the ways we make ourselves forget what we must do every year for 30 days. Forget, and then return to it again. The camera followed us from the moment we dressed in our uniform to the moment we put our casual clothes - our civilian uniform - back on. The camera was with us in the most difficult and dangerous moments, and stayed there when we laughed and entertained ourselves behind the shielded walls of the barracks. Pornography, drugs and alcohol were often our window to the other way of life, when it got hard and unbearable, when we thought we were going to loose it. Attention Alpha Company! is the surreal story of the civilian-soldier, and the inhuman task he carries upon himself, when everybody else wants to forget. This movie is a view into the looking glass, to remind us what is happening in our own back yard, lest we forget.




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