
La prospettiva del topo

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分类:剧情 意大利 2021

主演:Simone Belli,Gabriel Ferranti,Michele Mariniello

导演:Paolo Sponzilli


BT高清网为您提供2021年由Simone Belli,Gabriel Ferranti,Michele Mariniello主演,Paolo Sponzilli导演的《La prospettiva del topo》/又名《The Rat’s Angle》剧情,短片电影在线观看完整版,《La prospettiva del topo》百度云网盘资源以及《La prospettiva del topo》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《La prospettiva del topo》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Paolo Sponzilli 

主演:Simone Belli Gabriel Ferranti Michele Mariniello 

Plot Summary:Carmelo is a prosecutor who lives under protection with his son, Nicola. One night, while having dinner, Nicola lets slip the fact that in school other kids tease him, calling him \"rat\", as rats live in hiding. Carmelo understands this is a crucial moment in his child's growth, and chooses his words wisely. He starts telling Nicola a tale. The tale of the Rat's Angle. That same evening, late at night, Nicola and Carmelo are hiding under the bed, scared. Some men are trying to break into the house, screaming death threats. Carmelo looks at his son, he knows how to calm him down: he reminds him of the rat they talked about at dinner. The hitmen are now in the room. Carmelo closes his eyes, building up courage. He knows this is the last time he will have to. Then he jumps out of hiding.

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