
The Success of Selfishness

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分类:剧情 美国 1914




BT高清网为您提供1914年由未知主演,未知导演的《The Success of Selfishness》/原名《》剧情,短片电影在线观看完整版,《The Success of Selfishness》百度云网盘资源以及《The Success of Selfishness》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Success of Selfishness》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!




Plot Summary:The heroine was a simple little country girl, but not as simple as she looked. She had two rural swains. Neither one of whom she ever meant to marry, but she found them useful because she flattered them and induced them to instruct her in stenography and bookkeeping. As a result of what she learned from them she secured a position in the office of a daring Wall Street operator and soon became his confidential stenographer. In the course of time the operator found he was likely to have trouble with the U.S. government because of certain business deals in which he had been interested, and he feared that it his little stenographer was called as a witness before the grand jury it might go hard with him. Thereupon he handed the girl a large sum of money and told her to go to Canada and enjoy herself. The little simple country girl did not agree, however, telling him her conscience would not permit her to run away. He protested without avail and finally she played her trump card, telling him that a wife could not testify against her husband. It was a case of marrying his stenographer or going to jail, and the Wall Street man chose the former alternative. She was a pretty little stenographer, and the kind of a girl who would make a good impression anywhere, so he figured that things might have been worse. Although the girl achieved success, through selfishness. In the end her selfishness was her ruin, for not caring for her husband, she plunged into extravagance, and in the course of time ruined him. Then she was left alone, heavily in debt and often regretted that she had not done like her little sister in the country, who married for love, and although she had little money, was always happy and contented with her lot.

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