暂无简介主演:丸山隆平 忽那汐里 伊藤步 染谷将太 高梨临 川岛润哉
Plot Summary:In the year 2141, Japan successfully builds a basic time machine that can send data to the past. However, an evil organization further develops the technology, making it possible to send objects back in time as well. The organization begins a plan to send 5 terrorists back to the year 2012 in order to assassinate the ancestor of an important person from their time. The future government, alerted to this fact, uses its time machine to notify the government of 2012 about the plot, telling them to recruit 5 people in order to seek out the terrorists.
柿泽雄一先生!哈哈哈哈这算什么 DNA动了嘛突然想到了宇宙的工作哈哈哈哈哈虽然难看到我哈都哈不出来 但是maru真的好好看你们披的好像蚊帐哎 忽那汐里绝对有问题啊 这么飘忽不定悬浮于团队之外的感觉 不只是演技不好的关系吧 还是面无表情女高中生比较适合嗯?你们怎么勾勾丫丫生出来了这些恐怖分子好难看啊 救命为什么会这么难看啊呜呜呜本来也是大家都死了不就行了 赶紧结束吧我连四集都要看不下去了 啊 果然有问题maru你为什么要这么好看让我受这种苦克隆???闭嘴闭嘴滚吧我呸什么垃圾剧本 用小方块让大家都变痴呆吧
整个剧组穷的忍无可忍 编剧和进度的嘈点多地懒的吐 ❤但我还是看完了❤