
Suing Susan

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分类:喜剧 美国 1912

主演:John Bunny,Flora Finch,James Morrison,Dorothy Kelly

导演:Laurence Trimble


BT高清网为您提供1912年由John Bunny,Flora Finch,James Morrison,Dorothy Kelly主演,Laurence Trimble导演的《Suing Susan》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《Suing Susan》百度云网盘资源以及《Suing Susan》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Suing Susan》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Laurence Trimble 

主演:John Bunny Flora Finch James Morrison Dorothy Kelly 

Plot Summary:\"Look! Miss Susan, there is a man in the back yard next door.\" Annette, the maid, was excited when she acquainted her spinster mistress with this startling news. John Gordon, an old bachelor and his valet, had just moved into the adjoining house. Inspecting his premises, he is discovered by the two women. John calls his valet and tells him to throw the tin cans and other rubbish which had accumulated on his property into Susan's yard, for he is sure his neighbors have been making a dumping ground of it. Susan directs Annette to go down and throw them back into John's yard. This starts a war between the old maid and the old bachelor, and leads to a better acquaintance between Annette and James, the valet, which soon blossoms into love. Miss Susan threatens to sue John. To keep herself and maid separated from John and his valet, she spitefully builds a high board fence between their homes. This does not, in any way, interfere with James and Annette getting together with the assistance of a ladder, and occasionally getting a chance to exchange an occasional kiss. To still further facilitate their love-making, James cuts a hole in the fence, through which they have a quiet little tete-a-tete now and then. When Susan sees the hole in the fence, she again threatens to sue John, and between all of them, things are getting to be very interesting. James gives Annette an engagement ring, and Susan, instead of finding fault with her, heartily congratulates her, and is ready to listen to her maid's recitation of her love-making. John becomes curious and Susan is possessed with the same desire. They both appear at the hole in the fence at the same time, which brings them very close together. The humor of this accident strikes them both very forcibly. This is the beginning of the end. It is not long before the fence is taken down and the two women are engaged to be married to the two men. In the final scene, James is seen with his arms around Annette's waist. John follows his example and entwines the slender waist of Susan and lovingly kisses her blushing cheek.

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