
He Meant Well

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分类:喜剧 美国 1917




BT高清网为您提供1917年由未知主演,未知导演的《He Meant Well》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《He Meant Well》百度云网盘资源以及《He Meant Well》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《He Meant Well》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!




Plot Summary:Victor Moore calls on his sweetheart and asks her to marry him. She refuses and Vic is downcast. She tells Vic that she will marry him on condition that he does one good deed, to prove that he is kind, considerate and helpful. Vic leaves his sweetheart and passes a gang of boys who are playing. One says, \"Look at the dude; let's soak the lid,\" and they begin throwing potatoes at Vic. Turning around to scold them, he backs into a baby carriage just as a potato hits the lid and knocks it off onto the head of the baby in the carriage. Vic, picking the hat off the child's head, tries to apologize. The baby's mother is very angry and lets Vic know it. He starts to chase the boys and catches up with the leader, who runs into a Boy Scout. As Vic starts to spank the boy, the Boy Scout interferes and calls Vic's attention to the sign on the fence reading \"Do one good deed every day.\" He offers Vic a Boy Scout badge; 25 cents is the price. Vic buys it and, imbued with the Boy Scout motto, gives the boy who threw the potato a dime. He salutes the Boy Scout and starts down the street. Old Silas Green goes to the shed for eggs, only to find a cat \"setting\" on them. He throws it out just as Vic comes along. Vic figures that here is a chance to do a good deed, so he picks up the cat and carries it to Silas Green's house. He rings the doorbell and Green, who has a bad foot in bandages, answers the bell. Vic, giving him the cat, asks him to take it in. Green is furious. Vic is nervous, drops the cat on the old man's foot and Green starts after him with a scythe. Vic gets away and comes upon a blind man, who is waiting on the corner for someone to take him across the street. Vic leads him across the street. Flossie Fluff, a friend of Vic's, passes and Vic turns to tip his hat and give her a smile. The coal man, who has just put in a ton of coal, has left the coal hole open and Vic walks the blind man right into it. Vic looks for his charge, discovers the coal hole and hearing shouts below reaches down and pulls him out. The blind man, who is not blind at all, is wild with rage and, taking off his colored glasses, makes a swing at Vic, who ducks and, grabbing the blind man, pushes him upside down into the coal hole. Vic picks up the sign the blind man has left behind, realizing that the laugh was on him. He continues onward to his good deed and looks to his badge for encouragement. Presently the shouts of \"Help! Help!\" attract his attention. Looking toward the comer he sees a woman holding a child, crying for help. They are taking a moving picture, but Vic, not knowing this, rushes into the crowd to rescue the poor, defenseless woman. He reaches her, knocks the movie man over who is attacking her just as the movie director and the cameraman rush up and kick him out of the picture. Despondent and worn out, Vic wanders back to his sweetheart's house. As he takes off his hat under her window, she is looking out, and the cake knife which she has in her hand drops and goes through his hat, which he is holding in his hand. She throws Vic a rose and asks him to bring up the knife. He starts upstairs with the knife and hears a noise next door which arouses his curiosity. He stops to listen, it is the headquarters of a secret society known as \"The Avengers.\" Vic, leaning against the door, happens to knock it with the knife. One of the members inside opens the door suddenly and Vic falls into the arms of the Avengers. They think he is a spy and, rather than harm, decided to make him a member of the society. In the meantime, Vic's sweetheart is waiting impatiently. After putting Vic through the degrees he is declared a full-fledged member. A certain member of the society is a traitor and it is decreed that he must die, so the chief deals cards and whoever draws the black ace must do the deed. Vic draws the black ace and is scared stiff. The chief gives him a stiletto and a photo of the traitor and he is told to start out to do the deed. He is also informed that he will be watched night and day. After giving him the sign of the society, he is sent on his way. Vic attempts to stop to see his sweetheart, but the trailer makes him continue with the mission. The trailer goes on ahead and just as Vic starts to go down the street his sweetheart, who has been listening to what has been going on, touches Vic on the shoulder and tells him that she knows all and that she will watch over him and tell him when he is in danger. Vic stops to buy some chestnuts from a vendor, who, trying to show his pleasure in waiting on him, makes the society sign. Vic. thinking he is a member, flies for his life, leaving the money and chestnuts. He approaches a barber shop just as his trailer comes up and he is told to go into the shop to look for his victim. He gets into the chair and is lathered up when the barber, after wiping his hands, rolls same to dry them. Vic thinks he is also a member of the society and makes one leap from the chair, knocking over a barber who is shaving another man, and grabbing his hat, which he had put on the water tank, knocks it over on the head of a man who is being manicured. He rushes out, lathered face and all, down the street, where he meets his sweetheart, who is also following him. She accidentally rolls her hands and, thinking she is a member of the same society, leaves her. In the meantime the police have been tipped off about the Avengers society and they make a spectacular raid. The members escape, thinking Vic has betrayed them. They start out to find him. Vic, still running, comes across an ammunition factory; the door is open, so he goes in. He sees a box of bombs. By this time the trailer has met the chief and they follow Vic to the ammunition factory. Vic locks the door; he climbs a ladder just as the Avengers members reach the door. He throws a bomb which he has lighted and it explodes, knocking them all senseless just as the police arrive. This brings about the arrest of the entire Avengers society. Vic's sweetheart, seeing what has happened, goes to Vic and telling him that she is not a member of the society agrees to marry him.

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