Plot Summary:Ryo is given the job of selling a smoke carton full of ecstasy by a big yakuza boss. While at the bosses place he gets high on both acid and cocain. Later, while leaving, he accidently drops the carton. Later he meets up with two friends and realises he's lost the ecstasy. The three friends drive around for a while until Ryo remembers he must have dropped it just outside the bosses place, only thing is he cant remember where the apartment building was. They find the place eventually but just as he is going in the yakuza boss, who now suspects him of leaking info to the heat is just outside, along with a police officer who has been tailing the boss for a while. Ryo gets chased with a samurai sword by the boss, meanwhile the boss is being chased by the cops. The boss gets arrrested eventually and Ryo gets away. His trip turns very bad and he ends up running the streets naked in winter, crying and passing out. Eventualy he finds both his friends and the carton full of E, and all turns ...
导演了就能裸着大半场吗 好在未至30代的叔杀伤力锐减 KASE的部分相当有趣 别人眼中的柴废也许是你的上帝。
多余的部分过多,前面再剪掉点儿就好了。车内顶棚和电话铃这俩细节亮到爆!邮票红茶这玩儿法感觉好浪费,bad trip什么的最讨厌了!话说回来小介介咱能不拿真货来拍么= =|||
到最后才知道加濑亮童鞋演的那个叫啥名字= =