
The Taint

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分类:其它 美国 1915




BT高清网为您提供1915年由未知主演,西德尼·奥尔柯特导演的《The Taint》/原名《》电影在线观看完整版,《The Taint》百度云网盘资源以及《The Taint》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Taint》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!




Plot Summary:Frank Boward, a profligate, forces his attentions on Mabel Stuart, who detests him. Bert, Mabel's brother, returns home after a visit to his college chums and brings with him Arthur Easton. Mabel and Arthur are attracted to each other. Mystery envelopes Mabel's mother and the daughter pleads with her father to tell her who her mother was but he refuses. Frank becomes jealous of Arthur. The Stuarts give a house party, at which Frank and Arthur are guests. Frank, having knowledge of Mr. Stuart's secret, plots to secure Mabel for his wife. When everyone has retired, Frank tells her to step to his room and he will tell her who her mother was. She does and Frank discloses the fact that her mother was a negress. Arthur, passing Frank's door, hears him moving about and stops. When the occupants of the room hear the knock Mabel rushes into the next room, but her shawl is caught in the door. Arthur enters, and is just about to go when he recognizes Mabel's shawl. She is brought out but refuses to explain. In the morning Arthur leaves the house heartbroken. Frank again forces his attentions on Mabel and tells her if she doesn't marry him he will tell the whole world her secret. Mabel is overcome, but agrees to marry Frank. Bert tries to persuade Mabel to give Frank up, but she refuses, so Bert refuses to attend the wedding. On the night of the wedding the Stuart mill catches fire. Bert telephones to his father. The marriage is interrupted. The father tells Bert to secure the package with the photo in his desk at all costs. Bert risks his life and secures the package. The package contains Mabel's birth certificate and she learns that her mother was a white woman. They learn of Frank's perfidy and he is driven out of the house. Frank tries to drown his troubles in drink and is shanghaied on board an ocean steamer. Out at sea they run short of water, Frank is sent ashore in a boat to get the fresh water and is attacked and killed by cannibals. A mysterious lady calls at the Stuart home and Mabel recognizes her as her mother. The family are reunited and Arthur comes back to claim Mabel.

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