
The Master of His House

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分类:微电影 美国 1915


导演:Lee Beggs


BT高清网为您提供1915年由未知主演,Lee Beggs导演的《The Master of His House》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《The Master of His House》百度云网盘资源以及《The Master of His House》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Master of His House》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Lee Beggs 


Plot Summary:Becoming extremely tired of his wife's propensity for indulging in bridge whist parties and other social functions, to the sad neglect of her domestic duties, Walter Greene determines to teach her a lesson. At dinner that evening, for the first time in their married life, Walter pushes away the bilious-looking plate of soup and, after bestowing a few pointed remarks upon the capabilities of the cook and his wife's ability to oversee the household, he quits the room. Next day Mrs. Greene's lady friends arrive in force; they play cards all day, and on Greene's arrival home that evening he finds them still there. His wife does not know what to make of his coldness, and as it never occurs to her that she might be to blame, decides that he has the sulks. Walter peremptorily fires the cook and butler, whom he finds loafing around the kitchen, then sends for his wife and asks her in plain language if she can cook. She is astounded, but admits she cannot, so he grimly sets to work himself and gets up a very presentable meal. His wife's card friends stroll in when he has finished setting the table, and all seat themselves, ready to eat. Walter smiles to himself, brings in the food and, placing it all in front of him, proceeds to devour it himself. When he has finished he goes out, while the hungry women look at each other in consternation. For their next meal Mrs. Greene thinks, \"I'll fool him; I'll have a caterer come in,\" but Walter finds this out and throws the caterer out of the house. He then sternly commands his wife to cook something. She succeeds admirably, in burning her fingers and making a mess of things, then breaks down and cries. After she penitently promises to give up her card-playing friends and devote her energies to her home, a joyous reconciliation takes place.

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