暂无简介Plot Summary:A story about five medical students with very dissimilar backgrounds. Some are from elite families, while others are from less fortunate households. They are together under the tutorial guidance of a strict and unemotional doctor; they are there for one reason - to fulfill their dream of one day becoming a doctors. While they are working diligently to achieve the goal, interesting relationships began to take root amongst them. Prior to the exam, which they have exactly one year to prepare for, many things happened .
青春三部曲之二。青春三部曲,石田光主演了其中两部,另一部青春无悔是铃木杏树主演。主题曲『君がいたから』是Field of view的出道曲,热销90万枚。女二番的筱原凉子初次出演重要角色。
trendy drama感还是有点浓。。不过已经看出了挣脱那一牢笼的味道