
0.0分 2024/俄罗斯/科幻,冒险
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BT高清网为您提供2024年由丹尼斯·柯西科夫,Anton Kuznetsov,亚历山德拉·切尔卡索娃-斯拉日特尔,阿斯卡·伊利亚索夫,Lev Zulkarnaev,Sofya Arzhanykh,Svyatoslav Rogozhan,叶卡捷琳娜·诺沃克雷谢诺娃,Valentin Antsiferov,David Sokratyan,尼古拉·谢雷波,谢尔盖·希纳罗维,Konstantin Miroshnikov,Vladimir Sarapultsev,Darya Akmalova,Anna Vardevanyan主演,Mitry Semenov-Aleinikov导演的《探空少年》/原名《Подростки в космосе》科幻,冒险电影在线观看完整版,《探空少年》百度云网盘资源以及《探空少年》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《探空少年》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

2054 年。地球正在窒息:由于环境问题,人口的平均年龄正在迅速下降。只有青少年才能拯救这一局面--他们是唯一有能力进入太空并找到一种独特物质来防止灾难发生的人。基里尔来自贫困社区,如果他不参加考察,就有可能被关进监狱。安雅是一位著名宇航员的女儿,她正拼命想弄明白父亲的死因。在13名敢死队员中,每个人都有自己的个人动机,最终只有6人能够进入机组。他们能否联合起来,找出过去发生了什么,并为自己和整个星球恢复未来?

导演:Mitry Semenov-Aleinikov 

主演:丹尼斯·柯西科夫 Anton Kuznetsov 亚历山德拉·切尔卡索娃-斯拉日特尔 阿斯卡·伊利亚索夫 Lev Zulkarnaev Sofya Arzhanykh Svyatoslav Rogozhan 叶卡捷琳娜·诺沃克雷谢诺娃 Valentin Antsiferov David Sokratyan 尼古拉·谢雷波 谢尔盖·希纳罗维 Konstantin Miroshnikov Vladimir Sarapultsev Darya Akmalova Anna Vardevanyan 

Plot Summary:2054. The earth is literally suffocating: due to environmental problems, the average age of the population is rapidly declining. Teenagers can save the situation - they are the only ones physically capable of going into space and finding a unique substance to prevent a disaster. Kirill is a guy from a disadvantaged area; if he doesn't get on the expedition, he risks ending up in prison. Anya is the daughter of a famous astronaut and is desperately trying to understand the death of her father. Of the 13 daredevils, each with their own personal motives, only six will make it into the crew. Will they be able to join forces, find out what happened in the past, and reclaim the future for themselves and the entire planet?





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