Bride of Beirut

0.0分 2019/黎巴嫩/爱情
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BT高清网为您提供2019年由Dhafer L'Abidine,Carmen Bsaibes,Takla Chamoun,Lena Hawarneh,Jad Abu Ali,Mohammad Al-Ahmad,Abdul Rahim Alaa Eddin主演,Emre Kabakusak,Fikret Kadioglu,Mahir Birav导演的《Bride of Beirut》/又名《Beirut's Bride / Beirut Bride》爱情影视在线观看完整版,《Bride of Beirut》百度云网盘资源以及《Bride of Beirut》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Bride of Beirut》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

The love story between Fares and Soraya, who works as a singer in a nightclub, but their love is the cause of problems because those around them reject this love, especially Laila, Fares's mother.

导演:Emre Kabakusak Fikret Kadioglu Mahir Birav 

主演:Dhafer L'Abidine Carmen Bsaibes Takla Chamoun Lena Hawarneh Jad Abu Ali Mohammad Al-Ahmad Abdul Rahim Alaa Eddin 

Plot Summary:The love story between Fares and Soraya, who works as a singer in a nightclub, but their love is the cause of problems because those around them reject this love, especially Laila, Fares's mother.





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