Through the Keyhole

0.0分 1914/美国/喜剧,短片
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BT高清网为您提供1914年由未知主演,未知导演的《Through the Keyhole》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《Through the Keyhole》百度云网盘资源以及《Through the Keyhole》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Through the Keyhole》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!




Plot Summary:When Mrs. Fortune and her son Algy hear that Millionbucks and his daughter Helen are stopping at their hotel, they concoct a scheme to annex the Millionbucks fortune. Mrs. Fortune easily wins the heart of the wealthy old widower, but refuses to wed him unless his daughter marries her son. Helen, however, has fallen in love with Freddy, the son of the hotel proprietress. Later, Algy is declaring his love to Helen when Freddy enters. The boy seizes Algy and hangs him out of the window by his feet. Millionbucks is courting Mrs. Fortune in the next room. The father peeks through the keyhole. Unable to see Freddy's face. Millionbucks believes it is Algy who is embracing Helen. Freddy discovers Millionbucks at the keyhole and places a mirror in front of the door. The reflection of his own eye tells the inquisitive father the lovers know he has been spying. Angered, he dashes into the room. Freddy is discovered and kicked out. Algy is hauled back into the room. Once again the parents leave Algy and Helen alone. Nothing daunted, Freddy makes Algy captive. Armed with an ammonia gun, Freddy returns to the keyhole and when Millionbucks peeks through, gives the man full benefit of the fluid. The lovers release Algy and clear out. Algy finds the ammonia gun and is examining it when Millionbucks rushes in. Believing him to be the guilty party, the widower gives him a thrashing. Mrs. Fortune sides with her son. Millionbucks is getting the worst of it when Helen and Freddy rescue him. His gratitude causes the father to consent to their marriage.


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