The Silver Grindstone

0.0分 1913/美国/剧情,喜剧,短片
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BT高清网为您提供1913年由未知主演,William Duncan导演的《The Silver Grindstone》/原名《》剧情,喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《The Silver Grindstone》百度云网盘资源以及《The Silver Grindstone》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Silver Grindstone》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:William Duncan 


Plot Summary:David Stratton, the Camp Hope drunkard, has sunk so low he will do almost anything for a slug of fuel oil. His poor wife bends by day over a washtub to secure a little money which he frequently coaxes from her to spend by night in the saloon. About the only work that the bibulous Stratton will essay is sharpening the tools of the miners, who reward him with drinks at the bar. One day, Slick Slade, a gambler, shoots Harry Custer, a miner, and in the melee which ensues, Slade rushes out of the rear door of the saloon, knocks Dave over his grindstone breaking this only implement of his occupation. Dave has been accumulating thirst for at least thirty minutes and is very much wroth over the destruction of further opportunity to satisfy it, picks up the broken pieces of the grindstone and is about to hurl them through the saloon window at the group lined up along the counter of the thirst parlor, when he hesitates and finds that it is rich in traces of silver. Some flash of the old keenness comes into his sodden cranium and he starts a sober search to find where that grindstone came from. He ascertains that the saloonkeeper bought it from a farmer, who made it by band. Dave seeks out the husbandman, strikes a sliver bonanza, and bandies it right. He returns to hopeless old Camp Hope, finds things in a bad way, but makes everybody happy in the boom of the new Golconda, Camp Grindstone. Stratton becomes wealthy and likewise a sober and enterprising citizen. Twelve years after. Slick Slade slinks back and tries to rob Mayor Stratton's house, but is balked by the timely interference of Custer, whom he had shot years before. The case comes before Senator Stratton, who at first concludes to send Slade to prison, but relents, furnishes him with money and sends him on his way a free man, rewarding Custer even more generously.


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