0.0分 2021/格鲁吉亚/
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BT高清网为您提供2021年由Tornike Bziava,乔奇·科兹拉娃,Zaza Salia主演,Lasha Tskvitinidze导演的《VELI》/原名《》/又名《Field》电影在线观看完整版,《VELI》百度云网盘资源以及《VELI》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《VELI》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Lasha Tskvitinidze 

主演:Tornike Bziava 乔奇·科兹拉娃 Zaza Salia 

Plot Summary:As a young couple, Nika and Salome's everyday life changes due to gravitation. Nika becomes a murderer, Salome converts to a religious sect, awaiting the end of the world. Nika's behaviour is infantile, he runs around a playground holding his newborn son Kartlos like a steering wheel, imitating the sound of an engine. Nika immediately befriends strangers; for him social barriers are non-existent. He asks questions just for the sake of conversing. Unable to follow orders, he acts his own way. Salome is childlike as well, everything unfamiliar brings her both interest and fear. Like a child, she has many stimuli and doesn't limit her endeavours. She often repeats words for pleasure and talks to herself. Nika and Salome are united by a sense of loss. Salome was orphaned by losing her parents in a car crash, Nika's father is deceased as well. Their need to be safe remains unsatisfied. Exposed people seek a strong father figure, be it Stalin, Christ or aliens. Field is a story of the psychology of will.


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  • 9.2分 2021 更新至14集

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  • 0.0分 2022 已完结





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