
0.0分 2015/意大利 /纪录片,战争
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BT高清网为您提供2015年由未知主演,Filippo Biagianti,Ruben Lagattolla导演的《年轻的叙利亚镜头》/原名《》纪录片,战争电影在线观看完整版,《年轻的叙利亚镜头》百度云网盘资源以及《年轻的叙利亚镜头》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《年轻的叙利亚镜头》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Filippo Biagianti Ruben Lagattolla 


Plot Summary:The documentary 'Young Syrian Lenses' was born from the meeting of two authors Ruben Lagattolla and Filippo Biagianti. Ruben Lagattolla, in May 2014 managed to enter Syria from the Turkish border. Once across the border with the support of some media Syrian activists, the group manages to reach Aleppo. The intent is to film the activities of the guys working in the information network and document their work of photographers. This opportunity is offered by the fact that the network of media activists in Aleppo has plans to organize a photo exhibition / event to witness the tragic incidents that occur every day in Aleppo free, under siege of the regime of Bashar al Assad, almost four years. The photo exhibition will never be realized, the school where they were to be exposed photos is bombed and destroyed a few days before the arrival of Italian photographers. The documentary was filmed in Aleppo between April 30 and May 9, 2014. Once in Italy Lagattolla seeks help for the production and edit of the documentary. So he began to collaborate with Filippo Biagianti, a journalist videomaker of Urbino, who directed with Ruben the editing of the film. The project 'Young Syrian Lenses' was carried out and concluded with no budget, in a totally independent and voluntary way. Of critical importance was the extraordinary work of reportage done by Lagattolla during the days he spent in Aleppo.





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