
0.0分 2018/印度/惊悚
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BT高清网为您提供2018年由阿鲁诺德·辛格,Nidhi Singh,Sanjay Batra,Saanand Verma,Monica Chaudhary,Mahie Gill,Varun Badola,Raja Kapse,Neha Kaul,Ram Sujan Singh,阿杰·梅赫塔主演,Siddharth Sen Gupta导演的《Apharan》惊悚影视在线观看完整版,《Apharan》百度云网盘资源以及《Apharan》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Apharan》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Siddharth Sen Gupta 

主演:阿鲁诺德·辛格 Nidhi Singh Sanjay Batra Saanand Verma Monica Chaudhary Mahie Gill Varun Badola Raja Kapse Neha Kaul Ram Sujan Singh 阿杰·梅赫塔 

Plot Summary:This time the game is set not in India but in Thailand. Rudra Shrivastav a celebrated COP of the Indian Police is back on duty but things are worse at home; his beloved wife Ranjana has become addicted to drugs and Rudra finds it hard to create a work/home balance. This is when Bhandari a RAW agent approaches Rudra to join him on a mission to nab BBS (Bir Bhaddur Shah) a dreaded criminal who is set to eliminate India from the map of the world; the only catch is that no one has ever seen BBS. He is dreaded, ruthless and elusive but the Indian Intelligence believes that Rudra Shrivastav with his unique set of skills can get to BBS and kidnap him to bring him to justice.





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