大致完美的联盟 第一季

0.0分 2020/美国/纪录片
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BT高清网为您提供2020年由Douglas H. Ginsburg主演,Jim Taylor导演的《大致完美的联盟 第一季》/原名《a more or less perfect union》纪录片影视在线观看完整版,《大致完美的联盟 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《大致完美的联盟 第一季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《大致完美的联盟 第一季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Jim Taylor 

主演:Douglas H. Ginsburg 

Plot Summary:Hosted by Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, a constitutional expert with 30 years of experience on the Federal Court of Appeals in Washington, DC, A More or Less Perfect Union features perspectives and interviews from constitutional experts of all stripes - liberal, conservative and libertarian - examining the key issues of liberty: freedom of religion and press, slavery and civil rights, the Second Amendment, separation of powers and more. To add context to the shaping of American governance, the series offers firsthand perspectives, including those of a diverse range of American citizens, direct descendants of those involved in pivotal civil rights cases, historians, Constitutional experts, business owners, and judges. \"More than any other program Free to Choose Media has produced, A More or Less Perfect Union is relevant to audiences of every social, political, and economic background,\" said Free to Choose President/CEO Robert Chatfield. \"The Constitution is ours as a nation and we all have an interest in protecting it.\" Episode one, \"A Constitution in Writing,\" examines the struggles and compromises in the creation of the document that defines the United States of America. From the battlefield at Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, to Independence Hall, Boston Harbor, and the House of Burgesses in Virginia, Judge Ginsburg ponders: Were the powerful words used by the Framers meant to be updated by courts as our nation evolves, or only by following the amendment process specified in the Constitution itself? Constitutional experts, citizens and--in dramatic recreations, the Framers themselves--weigh in on the unique document, the rule of law, the three branches of government separated to prevent tyranny, and the debate over originalism versus a living Constitution.





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