
0.0分 2020/澳大利亚 /剧情,喜剧
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BT高清网为您提供2020年由索菲·德马雷,Victor von Schirach,Susanna Dekker,Dominique Thomas,多罗西娅·佩特尔,希尔德加德·斯罗德,Oana Mosneagu,Cassie Osborne,Karim Theilgaard,Nicolas Bravos,Julia Strowski,Saverio Fabbri,Ana Pasti,Manos Cizek,Brenton Prince,迈克尔·加布里埃尔,达丽娅·皮萨列娃,朱斯特·伦德尔斯主演,Stuart McBratney导演的《别在飞机上看书》/原名《Don't Read This on a Plane》剧情,喜剧电影在线观看完整版,《别在飞机上看书》百度云网盘资源以及《别在飞机上看书》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《别在飞机上看书》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

"Don't Read This on a Plane" is a drama-comedy about a novelist hitchhiking across Europe to complete her book tour after her publisher goes bankrupt.

导演:Stuart McBratney 

主演:索菲·德马雷 Victor von Schirach Susanna Dekker Dominique Thomas 多罗西娅·佩特尔 希尔德加德·斯罗德 Oana Mosneagu Cassie Osborne Karim Theilgaard Nicolas Bravos Julia Strowski Saverio Fabbri Ana Pasti Manos Cizek Brenton Prince 迈克尔·加布里埃尔 达丽娅·皮萨列娃 朱斯特·伦德尔斯 

Plot Summary:Jovana Fey (Sophie Desmarais) is a novelist. Her first two books received positive reviews, but were a commercial failure. Her third, Don't Read This on a Plane, has just been released - an amusing, risque chronicle of a woman's dalliances with a hundred women. Jovana hopes it will bring the success she craves. As she attempts to check into the first hotel of her 28-day European book tour, she learns that her publisher has gone bankrupt. Penniless and stranded, she decides to continue the tour regardless, resorting to hitchhiking and couch-surfing to meet her appointments across Europe, all the while attempting to project an image of success.


  • 6.0分 2023 HD


  • 8.7分 1994 正片





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