
0.0分 2011/美国/喜剧
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BT高清网为您提供2011年由Christina Bianco,Paul Cereghino,Ryan Windish主演,Fred M. Caruso导演的《勾勾也疯狂》/原名《Go Go Crazy》喜剧电影在线观看完整版,《勾勾也疯狂》百度云网盘资源以及《勾勾也疯狂》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《勾勾也疯狂》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

“勾勾也疯狂”:一场脱衣舞男(Go-Go Boy)的选美秀,五名入围决赛的猛男都使出浑身解数问鼎冠军宝座;冠军会得到1000美元的现金奖励,但这只是其次,更重要是踏入娱乐圈的第一步。选手们有的加紧锻炼,有的勾引评判,甚至直言自己是直男为噱头……在功利的推动下,究竟谁才是最后赢家?
  影片由“同志音乐剧”导演Fred M. Caruso领衔,经典喜剧演员Hedda Lettuce及色情片明星Jake Steel客串,诠释这部含真人秀题材的喜剧片,讲述一帮GV明星的成功背后和心路历程。再漂亮的蝴蝶,它的前身都是一条毛虫,那么它到底是如何成长起来及站稳阵脚呢?“勾勾也疯狂”为你带来答案。 @QAF中文站

导演:Fred M. Caruso 

主演:Christina Bianco Paul Cereghino Ryan Windish 

Plot Summary:Welcome to Go Go Crazy: a contest where talent and ambition take a backseat to speedos and desperation. Five shameless contestants with little to gain and nothing to lose take to the stage in a gay nightclub for a chance to achieve go go boy glory and a $1000 cash prize. On the judging panel are a burned out porn star, a Celine Dion "embodier," and the raunchy nightclub owner - all of whom threaten to steal the spotlight from the fame-hungry, back-stabbing contestants. Starring iconic drag comedian Hedda Lettuce, gay adult film star Jake Steel, and some sexy broadway actors, Go Go Crazy is a hilarious, outrageous mockumentary from director Fred M. Caruso (The Big Gay Musical). With a little sex, sabotage, and dirty tricks, this movie will turn you on, bend you over with laughter, and then give you a happy ending.


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