
0.0分 1977/美国/喜剧,动画,歌舞,家庭,奇幻
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BT高清网为您提供1977年由Didi Conn,Mark Baker主演,Richard Williams导演的《玩具音乐奇遇记》/原名《Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure》喜剧,动画,歌舞,家庭,奇幻电影在线观看完整版,《玩具音乐奇遇记》百度云网盘资源以及《玩具音乐奇遇记》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《玩具音乐奇遇记》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

Animated children's adventure with the two famous dolls as it's stars. Songs by Joe Raposo.

导演:Richard Williams 

主演:Didi Conn Mark Baker 

Plot Summary:Raggedy Ann and the rest of the toys in Marcella's playroom are curious about a package that has just arrived. They look inside and discover it contains a beautiful French doll. The haughty girl, named Babette, is horrified by her new home. She wants to go back to Paris. Meanwhile, the Captain, a pirate in a snow globe, sees Babette and falls in love. He tricks Raggedy Ann into freeing him and then immediately kidnaps Babette and sails out the window. Raggedy Ann and Andy leave the playroom to rescue her. Their adventure includes meeting a blue camel with wrinkled knees; the Greedy, a living, self-consuming taffy pit filled with every candy and confection known to the palate; King Coo Coo and the Loonie Knight, who love to laugh, but only at the expense of others; and Gazooks, a tickle monster hired to give King Coo Coo the last laugh. Finally, they find the Captain; but the damsel in distress proves more capable than they had imagined.





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