
0.0分 2020/美国/纪录片,历史,战争
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BT高清网为您提供2020年由尼古拉斯·罗尔,杰夫·丹尼尔斯,尼娅·罗伯茨,阿兰·泰勒,Joanne Freeman,海恩斯利·劳埃德·班纳特,Douglas Bradburn,Joseph Ellis,比尔·克林顿,科林·鲍威尔主演,未知导演的《华盛顿》/原名《Washington》纪录片,历史,战争影视在线观看完整版,《华盛顿》百度云网盘资源以及《华盛顿》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《华盛顿》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

华盛顿讲述了一个充满个人野心的没有父亲的年轻士兵是如何成为愿意为共同事业牺牲一切的人的领袖的故事。一个曾经忠诚的英国臣民是如何在一场自由或死亡的运动中崛起与一个帝国作战,以建立一个新的国家。然后,在他权力的顶峰,胜利者自愿下台,成为乔治三世国王所称的“世界上最伟大的人”。他相信自己的公共职责已经完成,于是准备退休,准备成为一名农民。但是,随着这个年轻的国家濒临崩溃,他再次被要求领导,创造了历史上最强大和最成功的民主制度。你可能会认为你认识乔治·华盛顿,但我们杰出的开国元勋比你被告知的还要多。华盛顿破门而入,揭露了我们国家故事的核心人物。你永远不会再以同样的方式看待乔治·华盛顿或我们国家的建国。(历史频道简介) -By meijuxia.com


主演:尼古拉斯·罗尔 杰夫·丹尼尔斯 尼娅·罗伯茨 阿兰·泰勒 Joanne Freeman 海恩斯利·劳埃德·班纳特 Douglas Bradburn Joseph Ellis 比尔·克林顿 科林·鲍威尔 

Plot Summary:Washington tells the story of how a fatherless young soldier full of personal ambition becomes a leader of men willing to sacrifice all for the common cause. How a once-loyal British subject rises to battle an empire in a liberty-or-death campaign to forge a new nation. And then how, at the zenith of his power, the victorious general voluntarily steps down, becoming what King George III would call "the greatest man in the world." Believing his public duty complete, he heads into retirement ready to be a farmer. But with the young country on the verge of collapse, he is once again called to lead, creating the most powerful and successful democracy in history. You may think you know George Washington, but there's more to our preeminent founding father than you've been told. Washington chips away the marble to reveal the man at the heart of our nation's story. You'll never look at George Washington, or the founding of our country, the same way again. (History Channel synopsis)





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