
BT高清网为您提供2020年由Lucas Adams,帕里斯·贝尔克,安娜丽莎·科克伦,杰西·加伯,布兰登·拉瑞昆特,瓦妮莎·马兰洛,马库斯·斯克里布纳,杰克·索特,米娅·西拉丽主演,Brad T. Gottfred导演的《忏悔室》/原名《Confessional》惊悚,恐怖电影在线观看完整版,《忏悔室》百度云网盘资源以及《忏悔室》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《忏悔室》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

After two mysterious deaths at a college on the same night, seven students, somehow connected, receive invitations to a confessional booth hidden on the campus. Their confessions slowly unveil the truth behind, not only the deaths, the booth as well. The dark, twisty, dialogue-driven and emotionally-complex mystery is entirely confined to the video confessional.

导演:Brad T. Gottfred 

主演:Lucas Adams 帕里斯·贝尔克 安娜丽莎·科克伦 杰西·加伯 布兰登·拉瑞昆特 瓦妮莎·马兰洛 马库斯·斯克里布纳 杰克·索特 米娅·西拉丽 

Plot Summary:After two mysterious deaths at a college on the same night, seven students, somehow connected, receive invitations to a confessional booth hidden on the campus. Their confessions slowly unveil the truth behind, not only the deaths, the booth as well. The dark, twisty, dialogue-driven and emotionally-complex mystery is entirely confined to the video confessional.





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