魔界奇谭 第五季

0.0分 1993/美国/恐怖
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BT高清网为您提供1993年由蒂姆·克里,小艾德·博格里,伊冯娜·德·卡洛,约翰·卡西尔,Kathe Weeks主演,Gilbert Adler导演的《魔界奇谭 第五季》/原名《Tales From The Crypt》/又名《地穴传说》恐怖影视在线观看完整版,《魔界奇谭 第五季》百度云网盘资源以及《魔界奇谭 第五季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《魔界奇谭 第五季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

A conniving con-man posing as a salesman gets more than he bargained for when he comes knocks at the door of the wrong family.

导演:Gilbert Adler 

主演:蒂姆·克里 小艾德·博格里 伊冯娜·德·卡洛 约翰·卡西尔 Kathe Weeks 

Plot Summary:To say that the seemingly quaint Bracket family are a bit odd would be something of an understatement. To say that they never ignore a bargain would be another one. And no-one learns this more than Judd Campbell. A conniving con-man who comes knocking at their door posing as a salesman. But little does Judd realize is that's he's not the first unsuspecting salesman to have come a calling. A fact that he discovers to his horror and the Bracket's revel in with malevolent joy.





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