
0.0分 2017/美国/动作,惊悚
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BT高清网为您提供2017年由Troy N. Ashford,汤姆·塞兹摩尔,多丽丝·莫尔加多,弗雷德·威廉森主演,Troy N. Ashford导演的《特攻杀阵》/原名《Unkillable》/又名《杀不死》动作,惊悚电影在线观看完整版,《特攻杀阵》百度云网盘资源以及《特攻杀阵》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《特攻杀阵》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

特工尼科洛·华莱士(Troy N. Ashford 饰)是一位为政府工作的刺客,专门刺杀人尽皆知,臭名昭著的恐怖分子。本已打算金盆吸收的尼科洛在压力下决定执行最后一次,也是最致命的一次刺杀行动,杀死残害他的家乡格鲁吉亚的疯子。当两个联邦卧底被杀后,华莱士的师傅,李大师(弗雷德·威廉森 Fred Williamson 饰)和他的孪生兄弟尼希米(Troy N. Ashford 饰)也卷入了纷争。尼科洛身边的人都卷入了这场致命游戏,这也将揭露他可怕的过去......

导演:Troy N. Ashford 

主演:Troy N. Ashford 汤姆·塞兹摩尔 多丽丝·莫尔加多 弗雷德·威廉森 

Plot Summary:Special Agent Nikolo Wallace (Troy N. Ashford) has had a long, hard and dangerous career....Bringing down some of the worst criminals known to society. Now he wants out, but is pressured to take on one last deadly assignment. A string of gruesome murders has paralyzed his hometown, the cosmopolitan city of Atlanta, Georgia. Where a madman is decapitating his victims and dumping them in gang territory. The case takes a dramatic turn when two federal undercover agents meet the same fate. Joined by his mentor, Master Lee (Fred \"The Hammer\" Williamson) and his twin brother Nehemiah (Troy N. Ashford), they tread where even the toughest gang members refuse to venture. Into a lethal game that draws in everyone close to him, including the woman he loves, and unveils horrific revelations about his past.





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