
0.0分 2016/美国/


BT高清网为您提供2016年由大卫·奥唐内尔,Karissa Lee Staples,小安东尼奥·萨巴图,马修·阿特金森,丹尼尔·博克,卡亚·科利,Rene Michelle Aranda,Jay Pickett,John Eric Bentley主演,迈克尔·费法导演的《启发,杀》/原名《Inspired to Kill》电影在线观看完整版,《启发,杀》百度云网盘资源以及《启发,杀》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《启发,杀》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

在一次可怕的事故| Kara席卷全国参加一个写作计划在洛杉矶失去爱她的生活后。她找到了房间和木板Charlie Fratelli |一个古怪的|开朗的女人谁爱喝的酒,和年轻男子调情。有| Kara会见杰森|害羞的法律系学生|立刻采取Kara虽然他的温顺的天性使他转会。相反|老| dreamier名叫Paul Reese Kara扫了她的脚。保罗是一个既定的犯罪小说家Kara立刻被他光滑的信心。很快|好像谁冤枉了Kara最终支付的最终价格和她开始想知道她真的知道保罗。卡拉报名杰森帮助找出真相,但很快两来萦绕的结论。


主演:大卫·奥唐内尔 Karissa Lee Staples 小安东尼奥·萨巴图 马修·阿特金森 丹尼尔·博克 卡亚·科利 Rene Michelle Aranda Jay Pickett John Eric Bentley 

Plot Summary:After losing the love of her life in a terrible accident, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board with Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful woman who loves to drink wine and flirt with younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy law student, who immediately takes to Kara though his meek nature prevents him from making a move. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an established crime novelist and Kara is immediately taken with his smooth confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has wronged Kara ends up paying the ultimate price and she begins to wonder what she really knows about Paul. Kara enlists Jasons help to find out the truth--but soon the two come to a haunting conclusion.





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