狱卒 第一季

0.0分 2018/巴西/剧情,惊悚,犯罪
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BT高清网为您提供2018年由罗德里戈·隆巴尔迪,托尼·托尔纳多,吉安·路易斯·阿莫林,劳林内尔逊·乌拉德米尔,娜妮·德·奥里维拉,托古恩·特伊歇拉,吉奥古·萨伍艾斯,玛利亚·克拉拉·斯彭内利,塔莉塔·考琳,艾尔兹奥·维埃拉主演,若瑟·爱多华多·贝尔曼奇导演的《狱卒 第一季》/原名《Carcereiros》/又名《Jailers Season 1》剧情,惊悚,犯罪影视在线观看完整版,《狱卒 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《狱卒 第一季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《狱卒 第一季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

阿德里亚诺(Rodrigo Lombardi饰)是名狱警,负责看守管理所有牢房。他是个反对暴力、令人敬重的人,他的话语就是他最厉害的武器,能保证监狱里的些许安宁。就算是像他这种习惯于高压环境下工作的人,却还是被家里面的麻烦事伤透了脑筋。除了监狱工作带来的风险外,他还需要应付家人带来的压力。他的妻子想要一个孩子,他还有个未成年的女儿,以及他自己的父亲也是名狱警。他每天都受到道德伦理的考验,徘徊在高墙,监狱,酒吧,武器,威胁,纷争以及人性之间。


主演:罗德里戈·隆巴尔迪 托尼·托尔纳多 吉安·路易斯·阿莫林 劳林内尔逊·乌拉德米尔 娜妮·德·奥里维拉 托古恩·特伊歇拉 吉奥古·萨伍艾斯 玛利亚·克拉拉·斯彭内利 塔莉塔·考琳 艾尔兹奥·维埃拉 

Plot Summary:Adriano is a correctional officer in charge of locking and controlling all access to the jail cells. A respectable man who is averse to violence, his own words are his greatest weapon. They are used to ensure a minimum of tranquility in the workplace, while dilemmas at home take on unexpected proportions, even for someone who is used to dealing with high stress situations. In addition to the risks he faces at prison, Adriano still needs to find a way to deal with pressure from his wife who wants to have a baby, as well as with his teenage daughter, and his father, who was also a jailer. Tested daily with ethical and moral dilemmas, he lives between walls and prison bars, weapons, threats and conflicts - human and especially psychological ones.





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