Across the Court

6.0分 1914/美国/喜剧,短片
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BT高清网为您提供1914年由未知主演,Allen Curtis导演的《Across the Court》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《Across the Court》百度云网盘资源以及《Across the Court》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Across the Court》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Allen Curtis 


Plot Summary:Miss Prime waited long for Shultz to propose. At last he sends her a note wherein he writes of his love in ardent words. He sends this note across the court, via the clothes line. The old maid receives it and hastens to write a return message of acceptance. Shultz waits in nervous expectancy. His eyes are suddenly attracted to a beautiful young girl, Mandy, who is seated in another window across the court. She is a dream. With Miss Prime, she cannot be compared. Shultz decides to forget about her. He makes love to Mandy and finds that she returns his affections. Miss Prime is torn with jealousy. When Shultz and Mandy return from their honeymoon, she swears to be avenged. She warns Shultz of her intentions. Shultz is filled with alarm. He sends Mandy away and awaits the coming of the terrible old maid. Second-story Steve enters Shultz's room. The latter hides, terrified, in a closet. Meanwhile Miss Prime, coming furious and determined, meets an old beau, Blitz, the cop. Her dire purpose is forgotten in her new catch. But Shultz, hiding, does not know this. Mandy returns home. She runs into Steve and, terrified, rushes for the police. Shultz hears and thinks Steve has scared away the old maid. He comes from his hiding place and suitably rewards the flabbergasted burglar. Mandy returns with Blitz, the cop and Miss Prime, but Shultz aids Steve to escape. At sight of the old maid, Shultz thinks the end has come. He is greatly surprised and relieved when Miss Prime turns up her nose at him.



  • 20190830期

    中国新说唱 第二季

  • 完结


  • 第18集

    良医 第五季

  • 第12集


  • 第40集


  • 第06集

    洛基 第一季

  • 更新至21集


  • 露梁海战

  • 正片


  • HD


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