The Black Forest Hospital: The Next Generation

6.0分 2005/德国/
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BT高清网为您提供2005年由未知主演,Hans-Jürgen Tögel导演的《The Black Forest Hospital: The Next Generation》/原名《》电影在线观看完整版,《The Black Forest Hospital: The Next Generation》百度云网盘资源以及《The Black Forest Hospital: The Next Generation》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Black Forest Hospital: The Next Generation》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Hans-Jürgen Tögel 


Plot Summary:Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Brinkmann and his wife Dr. Christa Brinkmann come back to the house of the Brinkmann family, because their common son Dr. Benjamin Brinkmann, houseman/intern in the "Schwarzwaldklinik" (Black Forest Clinic/Hospital), will get married with his colleague Sophie Schwarz, daughter of Herbert Schwarz, owner of a restaurant. In Glottertal Prof. Brinkmann will also have happy memories of his heyday at the "Schwarzwaldklinik" (Black Forest Clinic/Hospital). All the same Benjamin has problems with his superior, Prof. Köhler, who refuses the position of the assistant medical director to him. However before wedding happens, there is a great surprise on eve-of-the-wedding: Benjamin invited former friends and colleagues of his parents. For this event Carsta Michaelis, former housekeeper of the Brinkmann family, once again slips into her function and have found this colleagues together. But as Carsta Michaelis is going to search "Oberschwester" (senior nursing officer/head nurse) Hildegard Vogt, she will find out a secret: Hildegard is on the verge of ruin and Carsta must persuade her to come to eve-of-the-wedding. The half-brothers Benjamin and Udo have a difficult relationship, because Benjamin holds nothing from the work of Udo as a cosmetic surgeon. As a terrible accident happens, caused by the former boyfriend of Sophie Schwarz, every doctor is needed in the "Schwarzwaldklinik" (Black Forest Clinic/Hospital). Even Prof. Brinkmann is called to assistance. Udo also can help a young woman with face injuries. The conciliation of the brothers occurs, because Udo tells Benjamin that he works in another clinic to help poor people too. Can wedding anyway take place on island Mainau in Lake Constance and is there a further reconciliation for Benjamin with Prof. Köhler? Anyway Hildegard finds a new home in Carsta Michaelis house and former auxiliary Michael "Mischa" Burgmann finds in Prof. Dr. Alexander Vollmers a person, who can help his handicapped daughter.


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