The Death of Simon LaGree

6.0分 1915/美国/喜剧,短片
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BT高清网为您提供1915年由未知主演,亨利·莱尔曼导演的《The Death of Simon LaGree》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《The Death of Simon LaGree》百度云网盘资源以及《The Death of Simon LaGree》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Death of Simon LaGree》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!




Plot Summary:The village beauty is satisfied with Fatty, her lover, until Uncle Tom's barn stormers hit the town. Then she meets Simon LaGree, who, to make an impression on the country lass, supplies her with passes to the show. Torn with jealousy, Fatty threatens to kill himself, but changes his mind and decides he, too, will take in the show. The entire town turns out to the performance. To the little country lass, seated in the front seat, it is a wonderful thing when he comes before the curtain bowing, and tosses her a rose. Her lover is forgotten, but he makes his presence known by throwing a pie in the face of Simon LaGree. Poor Fatty, believing that by becoming an actor he can win back the affections of the fair maiden, procures a copy of the play, and starts rehearsing. At the Opera House the play is pushed forward by the property man and assistant props, running on through the thrilling escape of Liza over the ice, the pursuit by the bloodhounds, to the tragic death of Little Eva, whose ascent to Heaven is ruined by the property man's slipping on the rope that hauls her up and landing on the stage. This last blunder is too much for Simon LaGree. He rushes into the wings blaming the breaking up of the show on assistant props, who, feeling that he is wrongly accused, comes back with his lists. Drawing a revolver, Simon LaGree goes after assistant props. At the sight of the revolver the audience, with the exception of the town sheriffs, who jump bravely onto the stage, beats a hasty and disorderly retreat. Finding the armed sheriffs at their heels, the entire troupe forget their quarrel, take a stand together against the town's sheriffs, and succeed in routing the town sheriffs, temporarily. Hastening home, the beauty and her friends hear the ravings of Fatty endeavoring to become an actor. Believing him to be one of the troupe, they make a rush to drive him out of the house. Frightened, poor Fatty tries to make a getaway through the window, but he falls into a hogshead, which, becoming overturned, starts rolling down the hill. The beauty and her friends start out at full speed after the hogshead. The sheriffs, having cornered the Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe on the edge of a steep bank, see the hogshead and the crowd rushing toward them, and in their efforts to avoid a collision, all are thrown down the bank. The beauty and her friends are heaped on top of the troupe and the sheriffs, the hogshead landing beside them, the force of its fall and weight of Fatty breaking it to pieces. The property man, by some miracle escaping the slide down the bank, looks over the still forms and. grasping a stave of the hogshead, endeavors to bury them as they lie.


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