More Money Than Manners

6.0分 1916/美国/
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BT高清网为您提供1916年由未知主演,拉里·塞蒙导演的《More Money Than Manners》/原名《》电影在线观看完整版,《More Money Than Manners》百度云网盘资源以及《More Money Than Manners》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《More Money Than Manners》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!




Plot Summary:Money is the only thing necessary to break into society. At least that is the impression of the Oodles family, who, having an abundance of the coin of the realm, decide to test the truth of this belief. They invite the Duke and Duchess de Luxe to their home. Here they treat them to an exhibition of table manners as they should not be. The Duke, enraged at this insult to his dignity, demands satisfaction in mortal combat. The duel starts and father soon thinks he is fighting against fifty men instead of one. Just as he is about to \"give up the ghost\" and is saying his prayers, Hector, a suitor for the hand of Oodles' daughter, who had previously been ejected, enters. He decides to square himself and starts to rescue father. Another bloody battle follows and Hector is saved from being nailed to the wall by Oodles' son, who emerges from behind a couch, where he had been hiding, and battles with the Duke. Between them they subdue the duelist and lock him in a cupboard with the Duchess. The cupboard is then thrown into the river and the royal pair are left to work out their own salvation. Hector returns to the house, where he is hailed as a hero, and is given the hand of Lucille Oodles as his reward.


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