Miss Warren's Brother

6.0分 1916/美国/短片
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BT高清网为您提供1916年由未知主演,Theodore Marston导演的《Miss Warren's Brother》/原名《》短片电影在线观看完整版,《Miss Warren's Brother》百度云网盘资源以及《Miss Warren's Brother》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Miss Warren's Brother》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Theodore Marston 


Plot Summary:On her deathbed, Mrs. Warren tells her children, Nan and Dick, that years before, she was disowned by her wealthy father, Henry Willetts, in England, for marrying Warren. Although deeply resenting this, they notify Willetts after her death. Some time later, Nan meets and secretly marries Grant Wilson, a worthless fellow who works in the same brokerage office as Dick. Their boss makes a big haul from Nevada Gold Stock and Grant is seized with the desire to take a flyer in it. He learns that Willetts, conscience-stricken, has sent Nan and Dick each $5,000 with a conciliatory letter, and plans to secure Nan's share. When Dick invests in Nevada stock and becomes rich Grant induces Nan to let him have her $5,000. With the money he, too, makes a big haul, but two sharpers induce him to join them in a fraudulent mining proposition. The worthless stock is boomed so cleverly that Dick and his fellow clerks invest all they have in it. Then the bubble bursts; their money wiped out, an angry mob storms the offices, while Dick grabs his pistol and shoots Harris, one of the sharpers. Dick and Grant are both arrested and Nan then reveals to Dick that Grant is her husband, adding that she, too, has lost all her money. Unhappy months follow for all concerned, until Nan is called to England by Willetts, where she meets Lord Roberts, and the two fall in love, though Nan is obliged to refuse him when he proposes. Meanwhile, Grant, who, with Dick, has been sentenced to a long prison term, escapes and goes to England where he forces Nan to introduce him as her brother Dick. But he gets to gambling and drinking and Willetts dies broken-hearted. Then Nan confesses to Lord Roberts that Grant is her husband. Grant seeing that the game is about up, attempts to get a large amount of money from the lawyer, but Dick, who has been pardoned, returns at the psychological moment to prevent this and Grant is taken away by the police charged with killing one of the prison keepers, while a happier future is in store for Nan and Lord Roberts.





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