老大哥(英版) 第一季

6.0分 2000/英国/
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BT高清网为您提供2000年由Marcus Bentley,众名人主演,Simon Hepworth,Helen Downing导演的《老大哥(英版) 第一季》/原名《Big Brother》/又名《真人秀》影视在线观看完整版,《老大哥(英版) 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《老大哥(英版) 第一季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《老大哥(英版) 第一季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

由荷兰开始,迅速风靡全球的真人show!尤其是英国channel 4推出的Big Brother UK 版本,继而是美国CBS在整个北美推出的Big Brother 美版。。。此外,德国澳大利亚意大利西班牙等国的也颇为火爆!

导演:Simon Hepworth Helen Downing 

主演:Marcus Bentley 众名人 

Plot Summary:Big Brother is the UK's biggest reality TV show and is one of the most popular talked-about shows in British TV history. Big Brother takes place entirely within the confines of the Big Brother House. It's essentially a competition between the house mates, the object of which is to be the last remaining house mate in the House. At least one house mate will leave the House every week by a process of nomination and public eviction. Housemates will nominate each other for eviction and those with the most votes from their peers face a public vote. The house mate that receives most public votes leaves the House and is out of the competition. Housemates are provided with a shopping budget each week to buy food and other necessities. Throughout the series house mates will be asked to complete tasks set by Big Brother. If the group does well in the tasks they get rewarded with a bigger shopping budget, plus special treats. On the final night of Big Brother the public vote on which house mate they want to win the show. The house mate with most votes wins a fabulous cash prize!


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