A series of 41 documentary shorts, directed (without credit) by several famous French filmmakers and each running between two and four minutes. Each "tract" espouses a leftist political viewpoint through the filmed depiction of real-life events, including workers' strikes and the events of Paris in May '68.导演:让-吕克·戈达尔
Plot Summary:A series of 41 documentary shorts, directed (without credit) by several famous French filmmakers and each running between two and four minutes. Each "tract" espouses a leftist political viewpoint through the filmed depiction of real-life events, including workers' strikes and the events of Paris in May '68.
不解释真的很难懂 放弃
一些影像跟“Le gai savoir -1969”几乎一样吧。现在看默片会尝试自己配乐,给它配了贝多芬第十三钢琴奏鸣曲~~
A series of 41 documentary shorts, directed by several famous French filmmakers and each running between two and four minutes. Each "tract" espouses a leftist political viewpoint through the filmed depiction of real-life events, including workers' strikes and the events of Paris