Plot Summary:Holidays in the Danger Zone: Meet the Stans begins on Monday, Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. ET/PT in Kazakhstan, a country whose oil deposits are thought to rival those of Saudi Arabia. In Kazakhstan, Reeve discovers a poorly secured former biological weapons factories with a hundred types of plague stored there. He also finds a shrinking sea that is now home to camel farmers, and the region's best Beatles tribute band.
最让我震惊的是翻译说哈萨克斯坦有100多个民族 (希望没有听错)。 The Kazakhstan Beatles 唱的Nowhere Man很好听啊。
这是Simon的第一期节目 听书听到他讲节目背后的制作故事 因为自己对中亚知之甚少 所以决定先来看再回去听书 果然两相结合效果更好 中亚一直是被世人遗忘的一个角落 如果说全世界对中东的混乱还能抱有一丝怜悯 那像中亚、西非的这些连关注度都几乎没有的国家也许更不幸 那里的人即使生活艰苦也鲜为人知
simon真的帅啊又嫩又帅😂至于纪录片内容,实在是泛泛。。更像是个人的旅行vlog,从这个角度来看也有展现出比较特别的一些点,像是weeds,干涸的湖泊以及kazakh beatles。
really love to see him put on the camel jumper; flat tire; Aral Sea; Nowhere Man by Kazakhstan Beatles; kokpar contest; locals consider marijuana which "grows like weeds everywhere in summers" "nonsense", so don't bother sending drug addicts to rehab, Kazakhstan will fix them...