
6.0分 2002/法国 /喜剧,爱情,音乐,奇幻
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BT高清网为您提供2002年由Jimi Mistry,海瑟·格拉汉姆,玛丽莎·托梅,迈克尔·麦基恩主演,戴斯·冯·施勒·梅耶导演的《性福大师》/原名《The Guru》喜剧,爱情,音乐,奇幻电影在线观看完整版,《性福大师》百度云网盘资源以及《性福大师》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《性福大师》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

拉摩(吉米·米斯特雷 Jimi Mistry 饰)是一名舞蹈教师,他只身一人来到纽约,希望能够在这里实现自己的明星梦想。然而,现实是非常残酷的,尽管拉摩在家乡有着不小的名气,但在纽约这座车水马龙的大都市里,他不过是一个无名小卒。走投无路的拉摩在皇后区成为了一名侍者,一次偶然中,他邂逅了名为沙罗娜(海瑟·格拉汉姆 Heather Graham 饰)的女子,沙罗娜是一名成人电影演员,在沙罗娜的带领下,拉摩也加入了这一行业。
  之后,拉摩又认识了莱克西(玛丽莎·托梅 Marisa Tomei 饰),莱克西为拉摩以后的计划带来了新的思路,在两人的共同努力下,拉摩成为了声名远扬的性学大师。


主演:Jimi Mistry 海瑟·格拉汉姆 玛丽莎·托梅 迈克尔·麦基恩 

Plot Summary:South Asian Ramu Gupta has always been fascinated with western movie musicals and has wanted to be an American movie star primarily as a dancer. So when he hears from his friend Vijay Rao about his fabulous life in Manhattan with a penthouse apartment and Mercedes, Ramu decides to move from his home in Delhi to the US to live with Vijay as he pursues his dream of being a star. Upon his arrival in Manhattan, Ramu learns that Vijay's life is nothing like he mentioned, he driving a cab and living in a run down cramped top floor apartment with two fellow South Asian roommates, Ramu who would be the fourth in the apartment. Ramu nonetheless just wants a chance to prove himself in the entertainment business. Among Ramu's many missteps include stumbling into the porn movie business where he can't get it up in such a setting anyway, and working as a waiter at least to earn some money. But it is a wait job at a private South Asian themed birthday party for a lost and directionless socialite named Lexi organized by her overbearing mother Chantal that Ramu gets a chance at a somewhat legitimate acting job when he is asked to fill-in at the last minute at the party for an incapacitated Swami Bu. Having no credentials as a swami, he decides to dance and channel the sex advice given to him by Sharonna, one of his porn co-stars. Ramu and the information are a hit, especially with Lexi, who feels she has found her own voice for the first time in her life. As such, she wants to help Ramu spread the swami word, most specifically as a sex guru, to the masses. Not knowing what that word is, Ramu again turns to Sharonna for advice, she in turn believing he is asking solely to further his career in porn. Sharonna agrees to mentor him on the condition that he not divulge what she would teach and tell him to anyone as they are her innermost thoughts as a way to cope with her own life. That life is a double one, where her firefighter fiancé Rusty, a devout Catholic, knows nothing about her being a porn star, believing she is just Shari, an innocent (i.e. virginal) substitute public school teacher. As Ramu becomes more and more successful in this pseudo acting job with the help of both Sharonna and Lexi, he has to reconcile this success with the fact that it is all a lie. He also has to reconcile it with his burgeoning romantic feelings for Sharonna, most specifically reconciling the fact that he has not only lied to her, but betrayed her confidence.


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