
6.0分 2013/阿根廷/悬疑,同性
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BT高清网为您提供2013年由帕特里西奥·拉莫斯,马里奥·贝隆,卡洛斯·埃切维里亚,Laura Agorreca,Mike Zubi主演,Marcelo Briem Stamm导演的《单人夜曲》/原名《Solo》/又名《你是我的最爱(台) / 一个人》悬疑,同性电影在线观看完整版,《单人夜曲》百度云网盘资源以及《单人夜曲》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《单人夜曲》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

阿根廷男子曼纽尔(Patricio Ramos 饰)和陌生人胡里奥(Mario Verón 饰)结识于网络聊天室。当两人在现实中见面后,电力有如火花四射。夜深人静的时候,曼纽尔带胡里奥回到自己位于偏远市郊的住所,两人热烈激情、云雨缠绵,然而彼此又似乎都保留着什么。随着关系升 温 ,他们承诺不向对方撒谎,然而关系却更加扑朔迷离,每个人都在讲述自己的故事版本.....阿根廷年轻导演马塞洛·布里姆·史丹姆用处女作讲述一夜情构造的情欲暗迷宫,性感到杀死你。

导演:Marcelo Briem Stamm 

主演:帕特里西奥·拉莫斯 马里奥·贝隆 卡洛斯·埃切维里亚 Laura Agorreca Mike Zubi 

Plot Summary:A sexy, romantic and uncomfortably chilling tale of love and deception from first time director Marcelo Briem Stamm. Handsome middle class Manuel (Patrico Ramos), hurt by his previous relationship and bored being alone, meets Julio (Mario Veron), a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? All is revealed in this romantic, passionate drama/thriller that offers a shocking, strangely satisfying conclusion. (Spanish with English subtitles)


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